Blogging Along

Monday, January 31, 2005

Going to the Road House

This weekend I got the chance to see one of my all time guilty pleasures "Road House." In case you are not familiar with it, it is about a bouncer who comes in to a small town and while helping clean up a bar, saves the town from the big bully who controls it and finds romance with the local doctor, who also happens to be the big billy's ex-girlfriend.

This movie is cheesey on so many levels. I mean it stars Patrick Swayze which qualifies it right there. But I love the fact that his character is a some zen master bouncer, who is famous in the world of bouncers, and makes fabulous money because he can tame the wildest environments. Maybe he makes so much money 'cause he calls himself a 'cooler' rather than a bouncer. What the difference is I have no idea, except it seems that the cooler is on a higher level than a regular bouncer, sort of like levels of karate. I guess a bouncer with enough work and self-determination could move himself up to cooler status, but I have no idea what those standards are and if there is some kind of official notification that one is now a cooler. Maybe there is some cooler school they attend.

I also love that as the bar owner tries to establish himself against the bully there is a fight in the bar every night. It's almost like Ground Hog Day where the same thing happens every night. And no matter how many things get broken or how much mayhem is created, the next night the bar is back in perfect condition.

Finally, beside my boy Swayze there are a number of other B stars. Sam Elliot, Ben Gazarra, Kelly Lynch and one of the guys from the 70's show "Emergency" which I used to watch religiously as a kid.

I know it is a bad movie, but whenever I am channel surfing and I find it on I can't help but watch it.

Finally, beside my boy Swayze there are a number of other B stars. Sam Elliot, Ben Gazarra, Kelly Lynch and one of the guys from the 70's show "Emergency" which I used to watch religiously as a kid.

I know it is a bad movie, but whenever I am channel surfing and I find it on I can't help but watch it.

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Sharing the sidewalk

Why is it we have this herd mentality that if we are walking in the same direction as a large group of folks we feel the need to take over the entire sidewalk, as if no one would think of going in the opposite direction? In my walk to my job I am usually going against the majority of the flow of pedestrian traffic and everyday it is like swimming against the tide. People coming at me, 3-4 abreast taking over the sidewalk making me serve to avoid them. I am just in my little lane on the right side of the sidewalk, which I thought was how you were supposed to do it, I am in danged or being overrun by the human tide of commuters. Moist expect me to mover over even more so they can get through. And God forbid if I don't turn my shoulders to let them through, never mind that they are taking up 3/4 of the sidewalk. All I want is my little lane! I feel ike Billy Crystal in the stampeded scene from City Slickers, where he is holding on to the tree for dear life. The one benefit to this situation is that I have increased my skills in moving through a crowd which comes in handy whenever I go to a Cubs game.

Monday, January 17, 2005

Kids Can Smell Sleep Deprivation

Boy kids and sleep for parents do not go together. This morning I was awoken by my daughter because she had a bad dream and wanted me to sit with her so she could go back to sleep. The only problem with this today was she woke me up about 10 minutes before my alarm was scheduled to go off. Now you might say that it should have been no big deal as I had to get up soon anyway but I was fighting to get those 10 more minutes, expecially since it was a Monday morning. I kind of feel cheated out my full sleep, and do not see it as a good omen for the rest of the week.

Friday, January 14, 2005

Cell phone mania

So I am riding in on the train to work this morning, about 6:30 am, and the woman in front of me is having a conversation with someone on her cell phone. It wasn't that she was talking as I tried to sleep but more an amazement that she felt the need to call someone so early.

What in the world do you need to talk about at 6:30 in the morning? I mean if you are calling your spouse to tell them to pick up some milk on the way home isn't that a message you can give them at any point during the day? I can understand if it is urgent, like you have to come home right now our house is on fire. But really, can't casual conversations wait till later?

That brings me to another point, why do we feel it is okay to call someone on a cell at a ridiculously early hour, when pre-cell phone we would wait until a more respectable hour? Just because I can call someone whenever I want, doesn't mean I should.

Thursday, January 13, 2005

Initial Thoughts

My initial post. I feel the pressure to write something witty and interesting. Pretty sure this will fail miserably.

What will I post on my blog? Mostly random thoughts. Maybe some personal updates. I will most likely use this a cathartic experience in place of actual therapy.